3 Young Criminal Masterminds Arrested by FBI for Bank Robbery: Little Rascals in Trouble!


The Little Rascals Bank Robbers: Kids Pulled Off Heist in Nostalgic FBI Case

The FBI is evoking nostalgia when talking about a trio of children accused of robbing a bank, calling the suspects the “Little Rascals Bank Robbers.”

The FBI Case of the Little Rascals Bank Robbers

The FBI says the kids, aged 11, 12, and 16, pulled off a bank heist while on spring break from school.

Bank Heist During Spring Break: Trio of Children Involved

Authorities said the boys passed a threatening note to a bank teller at a Wells Fargo in Houston. Then, they ran off with an undisclosed amount of cash, officials said.

Wanted: Little Rascals Bank Robbers – FBI Seeks Suspects

Wanted posters were sent out by the FBI. “Recognize these ‘Little Rascals?’ Believe it or not they just robbed [a bank],” the poster read.

Nostalgia of the Little Rascals: Classic Comedy Series

The Little Rascals is the name of the classic 1950s comedy series about a mischief kid gang that generations of Americans have enjoyed.

Parental Involvement in the FBI Case: Little Rascals Bank Robbers

After the FBI Wells Fargo photos were released, the parents of two of the boys came forward and turned their sons in, according to authorities. All three of the juveniles have been charged with robbery by threat.

Expert Opinion on the Little Rascals Gang

“They’re calling them the ‘Little Rascals Gang.’ There’s nothing light-hearted about this crime,” former FBI investigator Bill Daly tells Inside Edition. “If police were to get into the bank, no matter how young a perpetrator might be, if they posed a threat to them, something bad could happen.”


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