Yoga Pants Contain Toxic Substances


Yoga Pants Contain Toxic Substances

  • PFAS (industrial compounds that linger in the environment and body) are associated with health risks such as cancer.
  • Mamavation, a consumer health blog, found that popular brands of yoga pants contained PFAS.
  • While clothing exposure to PFAS may not be dangerous, it is possible for people to be exposed.

According to testing by consumer health activist website, certain brands of yoga pants or leggings could contain high levels of chemicals linked with cancer. Mamavation.

Leah Segedie (eco-influencer, social media strategist) wrote that she sent 32 pairs activewear from a variety brands to an EPA certified laboratory to test for PFAS.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds, also known as PFAS, are used in manufacturing. They can remain in the environment for a long time and cause damage to the body. This is why they have been given the nickname “The Fluoroalkyl Substances”. “forever chemicals.”They can pose health risks, such as Testicular and kidney cancers.

Mamavation’s results from specfic testing are yet to be published. But, this is not the first instance of chemicals linked with cancer being found in clothing. Previously, Products that are waterproof and stain-resistant have been tested for PFAS.You can find outdoor gear and clothes for workouts here.

David Andrews, senior scientist with the Environmental Working Group, a advocacy and research group specializing on toxins and corporate accountability, says that clothing should not contain any excess.

Clothing PFAS aren’t subject to regulation. Exposure through the skin to PFAS are considered low-level. However, the long-term consequences for health are not known.

LulaRoe was, Lululemon and Old Navy were some of the brands that were positive for PFAS.

There are many PFAS compounds. Researchers often screen for fluorine to test for them.

Mamavation ordered a lab test to check for fluorine in clothing’s crotch.

Lululemon pants had 32 parts per Million fluorine. Another Lululemon product failed to test positive for fluorine.

A pair of leggings with 284 parts per Million fluorine was the highest, and it was located in this pair. LuLaRoe.

Also, fluorine was detected in products from Old Navy (17 parts/million each), both of which are owned by Gap, Inc.

Insider did not receive a response from the brands listed.

The complete list is available at the Mamavation website. The post was partly funded by Environmental Health Researchers who reviewed it. Environmental Health News.

Although PFAS have been linked to health problems, it is not clear how dangerous skin contact with them may be.

Andrews stated to Insider that it’s not clear how hazardous PFAS in clothing can be for health. However, even small amounts should always be avoided.

“It’s very difficult to completely avoid exposure to the compounds,”He stated. “Unnecessary exposure through clothing is adding to the burden of exposure through numerous sources.”

Low-level exposures in the home, through clothing and other sources, can accumulate and lead to potential health problems. According to the EPA.

Research has shown that high levels PFAS exposure are linked to health issues such as Cancers of the testicular and kidneys, liver damage, Developmental issues.

Many products can have PFAS. These include cosmetics, water bottles and even water bottles. According to the PFAS website, the most dangerous exposure is when you ingest the chemicals in contaminated food or water or inhale them in the air. Research.

PFAS in manufactured clothing might not pose a direct threat to the wearer, Joe Schwarcz (director of the McGill University Office for Science and Society) wrote in an article for The Guardian. McGill. But they can contribute to the chemicals leaching into the environment. To reduce the chance of contamination in the future, scientists recommend that PFAS be phased out. Bloomberg reported.

PFAS is not subject to any federal regulations at the moment, though states likeNew YorkHave proposed legislation.


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