Worst Moments of the Netflix Holiday Movie


Myles, who had been warming up to Sophie suddenly starts to argue with her and is now more rude than ever.

myles yelling at sophie in a castle for christmas

Myles’ attitude changes on a dime.


Myles and Sophie had signed an agreement stating that if Sophie is able to wait out a period of 90 days while she lives at the castle, the sale can be closed and she will own it.

Sophie offers to let Myles live there until the sale is completed. He’s instantly angered by her insulting comments that he would want to stay there as a guest.

The sale is almost done, and Sophie wouldn’t be able to offer it, so he would not have anywhere to go.

Myles mocks Sophie instead of responding kindly and tells her he wishes they hadn’t met. This is quite cruel and a stark contrast to the happy moment that the couple shared just a few minutes before.


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