Woman, 29 years old, killed in police car while she was running.


An inquest found that a woman was run over by a police vehicle while she was jogging. The car was on the wrong side.

Kimberley Cameron, 27 years old, was hit at high speed by the vehicle as police rushed to the scene.

Kimberley Cameron was out jogging when she was struck by the police car


Kimberley Cameron was running when she was struck and runned over by the police vehicle.Credit: Hyde News & Pictures
Witnesses report that she stepped out looking to her left, where traffic would be expected to come from


Witnesses reported that she was looking to her left when she stepped out, as this is where traffic would come from.Credit: Hyde News & Pictures

According to the court, the unfortunate Tesco manager suffered fatal head injuries when he stepped out onto the road and looked towards the direction where traffic normally comes from.

Unfortunately, she was unable to see the speeding police vehicle driven by Philip Duthie on the A41 in Buckinghamshire.

PC Duthie, his partner and PC Matthew Watson answered a 999 call. He had moved into an unsafe lane to overtake stationary cars.

Ms. Cameron heard the sirens of her car, but it is not clear if she was able hear them or had headphones.

Jurors were shown footage from the dashcam of the accident. Witnesses said that both officers seemed in shock at the event.

Kevin and Liane Cameron were the parents of Ms. Cameron. They said that when police respond to an incident, they can drive up 20 mph faster than the speed limit as long as it’s safe.

“We believe they failed in the safety priority and they were more worried about getting to the scene as soon as possible.”

They also mentioned that their daughter had dreamed of joining RAF as a pilot, following in the footsteps her grandfather and father.

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The court was informed that she suffered from Type 1 Diabetes, which made it difficult for her to join the military and nearly caused her death.

Denise Shelby, one witness, stated that “I saw the cop get out of his car and he looked shocked.

“I can’t imagine what the girl’s family and the police officers are going through.”

Nicole Haig, another witness, stated in writing to the inquest: “The girl stepped out expecting nothing from the right.

“I just knew it was going to happen. That’s why I screamed “No! No! No!”

The inquest continues.

Her parents said the cops prioritised getting to the scene of a 999 call quickly over arriving safely


According to her parents, the cops prioritized getting on the scene of a 911 call quickly rather than arriving safely.Credit: Hyde News & Pictures


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