Why Prince William did not get to have final say in his wedding attire


Why Prince William did not get to have final say in his wedding attire

Prince William and his late grandmother Queen Elizabeth II were often in sync, but they clashed in the run-up to his 2011 nuptials. Their friction was caused by William’s wedding attire. “I wanted to decide what to wear for the wedding,”Robert Hardman was told by he.,The author of the book “Our Queen” (viaE! News). “[Instead], I was given a categorical, ‘No, you’ll wear this!”His Irish Guards frock coat was the first outfit he favored. It was his preferred attire at royal functions.Expressreported. His grandmother, however, preferred that he wear a red tunic to represent his role of colonel of his regiment. “We had a couple of discussions on this matter, but, as I learnt growing up, you don’t mess with your grandmother,”The Duke of Cambridge laughed (viaThe Mirror). Although Kate Middleton was criticized by the paparazzi for her dress, Prince William was not. Perhaps the groom should have been heard more.

Although Her Majesty was firm about William’s attire decision, she was more accommodating in other areas of wedding planning. She allowed William to change her mind about the initial guest list and she let the happy couple draft their own. “I was given this official list of 777 names — dignitaries, governors, all sorts of people — and not one person I knew,”Hardman was the first person to hear this from the Duke of Cambridge (viaThe Daily Mail). “They said, ‘These are the people we should invite.’ I looked at it in absolute horror and said, ‘I think we should start again.'”


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