Why Does Star Wars’ Hyperspace Look Different In Episode 6?


Why Does Star Wars' Hyperspace Look Different In Episode 6?

Purrgils are among the most fascinating creatures in the “Star Wars” universe, and not because of their look or backstory. Rather, it’s their unique biology that makes them so interesting. These massive space-faring whales have to breathe in a gas called Clouzon-36, which their bodies take in and turn into hypermatter fuel. When sufficiently fueled up, their tentacles will glow, and they’ll make the jump to hyperspace, venturing from galaxy to galaxy at their leisure until they need to take in more gas once again.

As for everyone else in the “Star Wars” galaxy, they can only jump through hyperspace via a ship and an operational hyperdrive. In this case, their Clouzon-36-based fuel is refined by other means — in other words, not inside the body of a purrgil. Thus, one could argue that the purrgil simu-tunnel on “Ahsoka” looks different than the others fans have seen in “Star Wars” due to the fact that it’s their unique tunnel. Perhaps the way they synthesize Clouzon-36 within their bodies results in hyperspace looking different than it would if the hyperfuel was created and used by machines.


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