Why Avoiding In-Flight Meals Can Transform Your Long Distance Travel Experience – Game-Changing Tips for Your Vacation


Title: Fast Your Way to Beating Jet Lag: Here’s more Alert and Energized you can be after Landing

Traveling on Long Distance Flights

THERE is a smart reason why you should avoid eating anything at all when flying for long distances.

The game-changing hack may make your transition easier when you land and start your trip in a good way.

There is a good reason you should avoid eating on a long distance flight2
There is a good reason you should avoid eating on a long distance flightCredit: Getty

Combat Jet Lag with Fasting

When flying long distances, it’s common to experience jet lag after traveling. It doesn’t matter if you fly from country to country every other week or if it’s your first time on a plane. There is a jet lag treatment that many have been trying to combat the effects of moving across several time zones at once. By fasting, you refrain from eating or drinking anything other than water or herbal tea for about 16 hours before your plane lands.

Benefits of Fasting

Even though they help make the flight bearable, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and high-sugar, high-sodium foods. Essentially, you are detoxing your body, instead of filling it up with more. This travel trick is much easier on flights that land in the morning because you can hop into the regular daily rhythm. Once you cross over to your new time zone, try to eat your first big meal as close as possible to 7:30 am. The theory is that fasting can help reset the biological clock, which can push off the tired and foggy feeling that jet lag comes with. There are several benefits to fasting on and before your trip across the friendly skies. You can expect increased energy levels, which is exactly what you want if landing in the morning. Even if you haven’t slept much, your body is depleted of the nutrients that may make you exhausted. You still may be tired by the end of the day, but you just might not have the usual jet lag fog, headache, and exhaustion. This would be a great tactic for anyone who has to be alert or attend an important event right after stepping off the plane.

Fasting may make you more alert, energized, and attentive after landing2
Fasting may make you more alert, energized, and attentive after landingCredit: Getty


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