What Joy Behar Might Do Indefinitely Has Fans Talking


What Joy Behar Might Do Indefinitely Has Fans Talking

Everyone has an opinion on wearing a mask amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Joy Behar is one of the people who believes in mask-wearing, and on an episode of “The View,”she revealed her long-term plans. The panel chatted about how restrictions are easing a bit, and Behar said she didn’t like it. “Personally, I listen to the little voice in my head that doesn’t really follow 100% what they tell me because they keep changing it,” she stated.

She then pointed out that the CDC has changed their stance on mask-wearing a few times, which is part of the reason why she has doubts. “So if I go on the subway, if I go in a bus, if I go into the theater, a crowded place, I would wear a mask, and I might do that indefinitely,” she said. “Why do I need the flu or a cold even? And so I’m listening to myself right now. I don’t think it’s 100% safe yet.”

Guess what? Twitter has opinions about it. “Joy Behar says she is going to wear a mask ‘indefinitely.’ If we don’t have to her see face ever again, she is doing us all a favor,” one person wrote. “We don’t have to look at her!” exclaimed another. “Isn’t this the best news of the day?” One user took issue with Behar, tweeting, “The problem isn’t that Joy Behar is crazy and wants to wear a mask for the rest of her life, it’s that she wants the government to force you to do the same.”


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