What is the name of a potato that reads news? You will laugh out loud at this dad joke


What is the name of a potato that reads news? You will laugh out loud at this dad joke

The dad joke – what do you call a potato who reads the news? – is a real brainteaser and we have solved it for you.

Social media users are always amused by funny one-liners and jokes about fruit and vegetables. Most of you would’ve heard the joke about an angry carrot or a broken pumpkin, but the puzzle-styled dad joke about a potato who reads news is tricky.

What is the name of a potato which reads news?

What do you call someone who is a news reader? The answer is…

What did you think of that?

To the uninitiated, tater means potato. Commentator, then, is just a play on words for the real thing. The commentator is the potato which can read and understand news.

Users of social media find the answer difficult

This is a hilarious dad joke. However, only those that know the right answer can laugh out loud at the first sound. Several social media users couldn’t get it right.

“OK. This is the answer I will find. Why is so hard,” said one.

Another added: “lol. I know what it’s called but it took me a minute to guess,” said another.

You must have heard the joke that a fake potato is interested in news if you laughed at the one with the tater.

In 2023, dad jokes will be back!

We have plenty of dad jokes that’ll make you giggle.

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