Waukesha Massacre Victim Takes Off His Shirt in Court


Courtroom drama ensued when a defendant wore his shirt down in front of a Wisconsin Judge recently.

Prosecutors say Darrell Brooks, who allegedly drove his SUV into Waukesha’s Christmas parade last year, killed 6 and injured 62 other people.

Now, at his request, a judge is allowing Brooks to represent himself at his trial, in which he’s charged with six counts of intentional homicide. Brooks would make the trial a circus, but the judge didn’t expect it.

“You are unable or unwilling to abide by simple rules of civility,”Brooks was told this by the judge after he removed his shirt.

Brooks even waived “objection sign,” leaving the judge in shock, saying, “he has shown complete and utter disrespect.”

Witness Alyssa Gajewski was a dance coach and broke down on the stands when Brooks cross-examined her. She was marching with her dance group when she saw all the victims being mowed down.

As Brooks looked on to Gajewski’s testimony, he even rolled his eyes at one point. Gajewski said that she “blacked out” from stress and shock, which caused Brooks to ask, “After observing people struck, how did the vehicle miss the people in front of you?”

Prosecutors refused to answer his question and referred to it as “prosecutors”. “irrelevant.”

Brooks initially entered an “insanity” plea, but then changed it back to not guilty. If convicted, Brooks could spend life in prison.


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