Watch Former President Trump’s Live Address After Guilty Verdict in Hush Money Case!


Trump Slams Trial as ‘Rigged’ – Former President Trump Reacts to Guilty Verdict

Former President Trump Reacts to Guilty Verdict

Donald Trump didn’t hold back yesterday as he slammed the decision to declare him guilty on all counts, boldly proclaiming himself a “very innocent man.” The fallout from the historic moment is still echoing across the nation.

A Disgraceful Trial: Trump’s Perspective

In a fiery statement, Trump denounced the ruling as a disgrace, highlighting what he saw as a rigged trial orchestrated by a conflicted and corrupt judge. He expressed his frustration at not being granted a venue change despite feeling the odds were stacked against him.

Election Repercussions and Innocence Claims

Looking ahead to the future, Trump emphasized that the real verdict would come from the people on November 5th, referencing the upcoming presidential election. He adamantly maintained his innocence, insisting that he had done nothing wrong and was merely fighting for the country and its constitution.

Allegations of Political Vendetta

Trump didn’t mince words when he accused the Biden administration of orchestrating the trial to intentionally harm him as a political opponent. In Trump’s view, the entire country is currently facing a situation where the system is rigged against certain individuals for political gain.

In the aftermath of the verdict, the nation remains divided as it grapples with the implications of the trial and the uncertainties it has raised in the political landscape. Only time will tell how this pivotal moment in history will shape the future of the country.


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