Was Matt Walsh hacked? Twitter makes SIM card theft theory


A string of alarming posts from Matt Walsh’s Twitter account has some convinced he was hacked.

On Tuesday, April 18, posts coming from Matt Walsh’s Twitter account threw some of his 1.7 million followers for a loop. The right-wing author and political commentator sent out tweets that covered everything, from accusations against Andrew Tate and public insults to Joe Rogan.

Walsh had worked over the years with Rogan and Shapiro, so the postings were quite a shock. Let’s take a look at what happened and how Walsh has been supported following the hack.

What happened to Matt Walsh’s Twitter?

Tuesday evening saw an alarming sequence of tweets coming from Matt Walsh‘s official account. The social media platform has millions of followers, so this was bound to raise alarms. Walsh’s Twitter image and banner were also changed.

Whoever was behind the posts addressed the thinking that Walsh’s Twitter post had been hacked. The screenshot shared showed that a series of text messages had arrived between 7:22pm to 8:00pm, local time. Three out of four text messages in the screenshot are from Twitter, Google and Microsoft. The fourth text, arriving at 8pm, was from an unsaved number which wrote to Walsh: “Your Twitter has been hacked.”

The posts have since been deleted, but the Twitter image and banner remain on Matt Walsh’s official account.

Matt Walsh hacked in SIM Takeover

Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh’s friend, confirmed that Walsh’s account was indeed hacked. Reports claim the SIM was used to access the account.Walsh is yet to reveal what caused the hack. However, there are several clues which point towards the SIM taking over as the culprit.

Matt Walsh received a screenshot showing that someone had logged into several internet accounts. It was also reported that the text received by an unsaved phone number belonged to Daily Wire, where Walsh also writes a weekly column. If someone were to hijack Walsh’s mobile phone sim, they would be able to access all of this data streaming into their phone. It is for this reason that the phone number Matt Walsh texts would not have a contact.

The FBI had issued an alert about the dangers of juice jacking just a little over a week ago. It is an increasingly popular technology that hackers use to infect malware onto your device, or get access via screen mirroring.

Matt has stepped-up security measures

Matt Walsh has been receiving increased criticism as he becomes more vocal and prominent in the circles of right-wing political commentary. He decided to use security services to protect him and his family.

“Over the past few months, my friend Matt Walsh has been threatened to the extent that he’s had to have full-time security at his home to protect his family,” Ben Shapiro Tweet this On Tuesday evening. “Now he’s been hacked. The tolerant and diverse and kind crowd are celebrating, of course,” Shapiro added, before attaching some screenshots of Twitter users offering their two cents on the account hack.

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