Waiters dressed up as Power Rangers confronted a man after he reportedly choked a woman in the restaurant


Waiters dressed up as Power Rangers confronted a man after he reportedly choked a woman in the restaurant

With elaborate cocktails, pork broth noodle dishes and vibrant and colorful design choices, Oakland’s new NōKA Ramen has been described as the Bay Area’s most Instagrammable new restaurant. The Jack London Square hot spot has been generating quite a buzz since it opened a few months ago, and it hasn’t stopped getting creative with the visual look. This past week, that creativity involved having the waiters dress as Power Rangers to promote the restaurant’s signature cocktail. This decision was much more fitting than the management could have imagined.

On Friday, a woman ran into NōKA Ramen saying she feared for her safety. According to some reports, a man followed her and began to choke her. The staff, once again dressed as Power Rangers, apparently took the woman into the restaurant’s kitchen and confronted the man, asking him to leave. That’s when all hell broke loose. According to some reports, the man called workers at the restaurant Asian slurs, and then tried to throw punches while trying get at the women in the kitchen. The Power Rangers intervened and threw the man out of the restaurant. He returned shortly after, reportedly with a friend, and tried to get inside again. They were repulsed and fled.

According to a This Twitter thread went viral not long after the incident, police eventually showed up and said the man started another fight on the pier not long after being kicked out of NōKA Ramen. Customers inside the restaurant were reportedly told they didn’t need to pay for their meals, though at least the author of the viral Twitter thread did.

NōKA Ramen also posted about what happened, calling the staff “real life heroes”Assuring customers that brawls like this are not a problem “an anomaly”At the restaurant. You can also check out The social media post below…

Hasbro currently owns the Power Rangers franchise and is working to create a shared universe. Netflix is the exclusive producer of the series. There was also talk just before Covid about making another feature film that involved time travel. It’s unclear when that might happen, though the franchise remains very popular in the toy community. It’s also still beloved by those of a certain age who grew up with the franchise. That’s why NōKA Ramen had its waiters dress up like the beloved characters, and it’s also no doubt why the story of these waiters kicking ass has resonated with so many fans.

As for Nōka Ramen, Its menu looks incredibleThe restaurant has been receiving rave reviews. It’s open Tuesday-Sunday, 12PM-9PM in Oakland’s Jack London Square. You should visit the place if you’re ever in the vicinity. It’s a great place to eat, and it is safe from Rita Repulsa attacks.


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