Virgin River Season 3 Release Date for Netflix | Jack’s Fate


The show’s season 1 garnered huge popularity and appraisal worldwide. Thus, it returned to Netflix on 27th November 2020 for a second season. Thereafter, only three weeks past premiering of season 2, season 3 for Virgin River got a green signal for its renewal status.

The fate of the Jack and the health of the Doctor were the two major nail-biting and ultimate cliffhanger moments for the fans in season 2. Since then the fans are desperately waiting for the update regarding the upcoming season 3. So, here we have curated the details regarding everything we know so far for Netflix’s Virgin River Season 3.

Virgin River Season 3 Release Date for Netflix 

Finally, some exciting news is shared by the lead Alexandra Breckenridge regarding the Netflix show’s Virgin River Season 3 Release Date. This will premiere on 9th July 2021.

Virgin River Season 3 Trailer

Yes! There is a trailer available for the fans for Virgin River Season 3. This was released on 11th June 2021.

You can watch it here:

Virgin River Season 3 Star Cast

The trailer has revealed the stars who will be returning for the next season as:

  • Martin Henderson,
  • Alexandra Breckenridge,
  • Jenny Cooper,
  • Grayson Maxwell Gurnsey,
  • Tim Matheson,
  • Benjamin Hollingsworth, and
  • Colin Lawrence.

Along with the previous returns, a few newer faces will be seen in the upcoming season as well. one among them is Jasmine Vega who will be playing Stella, Zibby Allen will be playing Brie (Jack’s sister)-  she is a lawyer by profession, and Stacey Farber will be playing Tara Anderson (Lilly’s daughter), respectively.

Virgin River Season 3: What to expect?

Season 2 left fans on a cliffhanger biting their nails. The major question is about Jack’s fate, who is lying on the ground with a gunshot wound bleeding. The suspects are Brady, Calvin, Charmaine, Vince, and Jamie, respectively. Along with this, Mel and Jack’s relationship will uncover, also he is soon to be a father, Hope, and Doc, even Lizzie and Ricky fate will uncover in season 3.