Vending Machines Offer Surprisingly Healthful Candy


Vending Machines Offer Surprisingly Healthful Candy

Which healthy vending machines sell candy? We’ll give you a hint: it’s the perfect blend of sweet and salty — Peanut M&M’s.

In a serving of 10 Peanut M&M’s, you’ll find 103 calories (via Secret MenusAccording to the U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA). Protein is the main source of nutrition in this candy. You’ll receive nearly 2 grams per 10 pieces. Of course, Peanut M&M’s don’t come out of a vending machine one at a time. Instead, if you opt for the Fun Size Peanut M&M’s package (like the one you might get while trick-or-treating on Halloween night), you’ll still get 1.72 grams of protein. Even more, in a regular-sized singles package, you’ll find 5.17 grams of protein. In comparison, a regular-sized bag of vending machine Peanut M&Ms trumps many of its sweet competitors when it comes to protein. Consider a Milky Way bar, for instance, which only has 2 grams of protein as opposed to the 5.17 grams of Peanut M&M’s (viaCBS News). On top of that, 2 grams of fibre are included.


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