Unveiling Katie Price’s Double Bankruptcy Secrets: How She Funds £5k Rent Before Court Date


Katie Price Lifestyle Secrets Revealed Ahead of New Court Date

Katie Price Financial Struggles

KATIE Price has disclosed how she manages to maintain her extravagant lifestyle despite her looming court appearance. The former glamour model is in debt to the tune of nearly £762,000 to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), which initiated bankruptcy proceedings against her last year.

Katie’s Financial Obligations

The mother-of-five currently owes £142,405 and £196,735 for the tax years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, in addition to a hefty VAT bill of £140,000. Late fees and interest have also been added, resulting in total debts exceeding £3.2 million.

Katie’s Legal Woes

Katie, 45, missed a court appearance in March where the judge declared her bankrupt for the second time. She was slated to testify about her finances at the High Court, but she canceled her appearance just a day before.

Katie’s New Living Situation

Following her bankruptcy, Katie has vacated her longtime residence, the Sussex Mucky Mansion. Removal trucks were spotted at her property after an eviction notice was served. She is now renting a luxurious new build home in Sussex worth over a million pounds, with monthly rent set at £5,000.

Katie’s Financial Strategy

Despite her financial challenges, Katie remains dedicated to her work ethic. Through a recent social media post, she addressed inquiries regarding her financial stability by sharing insights into her perseverance and determination. Katie emphasized that success stems from hard work and resilience in the face of adversity.

Katie’s Bankruptcy Details

Katie’s financial woes began in 2019 when she was first declared bankrupt due to unpaid debts totaling £3.2 million. A second bankruptcy followed in March stemming from a tax arrear of £761,994.05. An eviction notice has been affixed to her Mucky Mansion, signaling a significant chapter in her financial journey.

Katie’s Personal Response

Amidst public scrutiny and legal battles, Katie has defended her actions and decisions. She has explained her absence from court hearings, citing mental health challenges and professional guidance as primary reasons. Katie is adamant about addressing her financial predicament with dignity and seriousness.

In conclusion, Katie Price’s ongoing financial struggles underscore the complexities of fame and fortune. Despite setbacks and public scrutiny, Katie remains resolute in navigating her financial turmoil while championing mental health advocacy and personal growth.


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