Unlock the Three-Tap Battery Trick Every iPhone Owner Needs for Long-Lasting Power


This ONE iPhone Setting Can Drastically Improve Your Battery Life

A SIMPLE iPhone setting could make your battery last much longer. It’s designed to dramatically improve the health of your iPhone battery.

The Problem with Battery Degradation

All lithium-ion batteries – including the ones inside iPhones – degrade over time. They chemically age for many reasons: The way you charge your iPhone and even its temperature can make a battery degrade faster.

Introducing the 80% Limit Feature

Last year, Apple revealed a new feature designed to protect your battery and keep it “healthy” for longer. It’s called the “80% Limit” and it’s designed to keep your iPhone battery healthier for longer.

How Does the 80% Limit Feature Work?

When a battery is fully charged, it is put under stress – and that’s not good. With this feature switched on, your iPhone won’t go above 80% charge (except in specific circumstances).

Enabling the 80% Limit Feature

You can find it with three taps by going to Settings > Battery > Battery Health & Charging. Apple explains, “When you choose 80% Limit, your iPhone will charge up to about 80 percent and then stop charging.”

Benefits of Using the 80% Limit Feature

Apple notes that not using this feature can “increase wear on your battery and reduce its lifespan.” Using this feature can help prolong the life of your battery and ultimately save you money in the long run.

User Testimonials

iPhone fans raved over the trick in a Reddit thread, with one saying, “I love this feature!” Another said, “From an environmental perspective, having a battery last longer is better than one that dies sooner.”

Optimized Battery Charging

The other mode you might notice under Battery Health in your iPhone Settings app is Optimized Battery Charging. This feature is designed to delay charging past 80% in certain situations to ensure that your iPhone is still fully charged when unplugged.


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