Unlock the Secret Trick to Stop Spam Texts on Your iPhone with Just Three Taps!


Unlock Your iPhone’s Secret Feature to Stop Spam Texts

Are you tired of receiving unwanted spam texts on your iPhone? Look no further! Your iPhone actually has a hidden feature that can save you from these annoying messages.

Discover Message Filtering on iPhone

Have you heard of Message Filtering on your iPhone? This feature automatically categorizes your text messages into known and unknown senders. Messages from unknown senders are silently filtered and tucked away in a separate folder, waiting for your manual review.

Amazed iPhone Owners Uncover the Secret

A Reddit thread recently surfaced showcasing the astonishment of iPhone users who stumbled upon this hidden gem in their Messages app. The thread highlighted a photo of the menu with the caption: “Did Apple just add this screen in Messages or did I just discover it?”

Easy Setup for Message Filtering

Setting up Message Filtering is a breeze. Simply navigate to Settings > messages and toggle the Filter Unknown Senders setting to on. Access the Filters option in your Messages app and tap on Unknown Senders to view messages from unrecognized contacts.

Stay Protected from Unwanted Messages

With iMessage, you can prevent unknown senders from directly texting you, ensuring that their messages are filtered and stored in a separate folder without notifications. This feature is a great way to reduce unwanted messages and maintain a clutter-free inbox.

Take Control of Your Messages Inbox

By leaving your inbox on Known Senders and periodically checking the Unknown Senders folder, you can effectively manage your messages and stay informed about messages from new or unrecognized contacts. Customizing your inbox settings is simple, allowing you to switch between known and unknown senders seamlessly.


Don’t let spam texts overwhelm your iPhone inbox. Explore the powerful Message Filtering feature to take charge of your messages and maintain a clutter-free messaging experience. With just a few taps, you can unlock this hidden feature and enjoy a more organized and stress-free messaging environment on your iPhone.


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