Universe ‘getting darker as star formation slows’ – may lead to ‘beings that doesn’t need starlight’, Nasa expert says


According to Nasa scientists, the universe is becoming darker. One day it will be impossible to create stars because they won’t have enough materials to do so.

A recent event in New York featured the speaker who spoke on dark theory.

Nasa scientist Dr. Michelle Thaller recently explained the theory at Artechouse's Beyond the Light exhibit in New York


Michelle Thaller from Nasa, a NASA scientist, explained the theory recently at Artechouse’s Beyond the Light exhibition in New York.Central Recorder

Speaking at Artechouse’s Beyond the Light exhibit, Nasa scientist Dr. Michelle Thaller told a small group of attendees: “We can’t make a star out of anything other than hydrogen, so there’s a limited resource.

“There’s no more hydrogen being created and the hydrogen was all created during the Big Bang.”

The Big Bang is believed to be the origin of all matter, including the much-needed hydrogen.

The Big Bang explosion is widely thought to have happened 13.8 billion years ago.

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But a small amount of hydrogen may not be the only factor that slows star formation.

Dr. Thaller added: “Galaxy collisions and interactions seem to be driving star formation.”

As the universe expands, she explained that galaxies grow further apart.

It means less opportunities for interaction and to discover new stars.

Dr. Thaller explained: “Galaxies billions of years ago had much much more interaction because the universe was smaller and now it’s getting bigger and they don’t interact as much, that’s why star formation is slowing down.”

Black holes are predicted to take over the universe as stars die off, according to one theory.

As per the Astronomy WebsiteThe universe could enter the Degenerate Era about 1 quadrillion or 1 duodecillion after the Big Bang.

It is expected that black holes will flourish and the world’s climate will become colder and darker.

As this timeline progresses, it is likely that the universe as we know it today will cease to exist.

Dr. Thaller isn’t sure that the death of every living thing would be the result.

She continued: “But what happens next?”

The scientist believes that the human race would have died out by then, and another civilisation could be in existence.

She said: “There could be civilisations and beings that don’t need starlight.”


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