Unconventional Wedding Story: Our First Dance by the Toilets in a Kentucky Convenience Store Bathroom


This Couple Had The Most Unconventional Wedding Ceremony

A COUPLE had an unconventional “bowl-buster” wedding ceremony in a convenience store bathroom.

A Disco-Themed Wedding Bash in a Convenience Store Bathroom

Although it was an uncommon setting to get hitched, the two found themselves rather flushed after dancing the night away by the toilets.

The Couple’s Unconventional Wedding Venue

Hop Shops, or “Home of the Famous Disco Bathrooms,” is a popular local spot with six disco bathrooms out of their 14 locations.

The Inspiration Behind the Disco-Themed Bathrooms

Damon Bail, Hop Shop’s VP of Retail Operations & Marketing, got the idea for the disco bathroom when he wanted to customize an “unconventional” convenience store experience for customers.

The Couple’s Unique Vows and Celebration

Surrounded by red and blue lights, the two danced the night away in the decked-out disco-themed lavatory, complete with glittering disco balls hanging from the ceiling. They went all out, incorporating the disco bathroom theme into every aspect of their celebration, from their rings to their vows.

The Unique Exchange of Vows and Rings

Standing in the bathroom next to a paper towel dispenser, the two exchanged their disco-themed rings under the bright lights. They then shared their disco-themed vows and concluded the ceremony with disco-themed cake and, of course, a deep kiss under the colorful, flashing ambiance.

The Couple’s Heartfelt Disco-Themed Vows

“[Tiana], from the first dance in that disco bathroom to this moment, I vow to hop through life with you,” Logen said.

“Through the funky beats and mellow melodies, I promise to be your partner in every rhythm of life, embracing our journey with love and laughter.”

Tiana, of course, matched him beat for beat.

“[Logen], in disco bathrooms and on the dance floor of life, I choose you,” she said.

“I promise to hop alongside you through all the twists and turns, finding joy in our shared moments and creating a dance of love that lasts a lifetime.”

The Ceremony’s Unique Conclusion

After placing their rings on their fingers, the two pressed a giant RED button, which symbolized their eagerness to embark on a new journey together. With their vows out of the way, there was nothing more to do. Well, except boogie down.

A Unique Pronouncement from the Pastor

“By the power vested in me by the state of Kentucky and the Sanctuary Church of Christ, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the pastor announced.

“And now, instead of the traditional ‘You may kiss the bride,’ you may now press the red button, kiss your bride, and start this disco-infused Ribbiting journey with your first disco wedding dance!”


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