Uber Eats now delivers marijuana in Canada


Canadians will soon be able order legal cannabis directly from their doorstep via UberEats, starting today (October 17).

Leafly, the Canadian cannabis website, has partnered with the delivery company to make the drug readily available for delivery in Toronto.

The legalization of cannabis production and sale in Canada was already in effect in 2018. This collaboration marks the first-ever time that major third-party platforms have made this drug available via their app.

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UberEats will have three different retailers for customers to choose from, these are Hidden Leaf Cannabis, Minerva Cannabis and Shivaa’s Rose, according to CBC.

The cannabis retailer’s CannSell-certified staff will deliver the goods. A customer’s age (required be at least 19) and sobriety, will be checked upon delivery.

UberEats has many take-away options available for anyone who gets the munchies from taking the drug. It’s an excellent marketing strategy.

Uber Eats now delivers marijuana in CanadaUberEats will now be able to order weed in Toronto, Canada from today (17 October).iStockphoto courtesy Getty Images

Lola Kassim, General Manager at Uber Eats Canada spoke to CBCShe spoke out about the latest additions to the app:

“We are partnering with industry leaders like Leafly to help retailers offer safe, convenient options for people in Toronto to purchase legal cannabis for delivery to their homes, which will help combat the illegal market and help reduce impaired driving.”

“Over the last few years, we have invested heavily in our delivery business and selection has expanded tremendously.”

Kassim added: “Uber Eats has grown quickly to become a versatile platform usable by diverse businesses large and small.”

She also noted the importance of supporting local marijuana businesses in this collab.

“Leafly has been empowering the cannabis marketplace in Canada for more than four years and we support more than 200 cannabis retailers in the greater Toronto area.”

Yoko Mishashita, CEO of Leafly, said Global News: “Leafly has been empowering the cannabis marketplace in Canada for more than four years and we support more than 200 cannabis retailers in the GTA.

“Uber Eats is a great partner of ours. We love to help licensed cannabis retailers deliver legal, safe cannabis to residents all over the city.

The Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS), based on data provided by customers to Statistics Canada, revealed that nearly 57% of the cannabis bought in Ontario between January and March was purchased through legal channels.

However, it is known that many people may not be willing to confess to the government that they have purchased the drug illegally. This could affect the statistic.

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