Truth about Brian Williams being fired for asking more than $30 million from NBC


Did Brian WilliamsBad contract negotiations get you fired? According to one report, he was responsible for NBC’s $30 million debt and the network couldn’t afford to fire him. Gossip Cop investigates.

‘Lyin’ Brian Williams Bites The Dust!’

According to the National EnquirerWilliams is being pushed from NBC due to his ego. “After Rachel Maddow got $30 million, Brian wanted more,”Insiders say. “He totally misplayed it, but I’m sure he’s insulted the network let him go so easily.” This marks Williams’ second fall from grace.

Williams was once one of America’s top newsmen, but a scandal involving numerous fabrications scattered the country’s faith in him. His perceived worth was never in line with the network’s assessment of him. According to TV insiders, Williams requested money from NBC and was granted entry.

What’s Going On With Brian Williams

You shouldn’t trust any story that attacks its subject in one sentence, only to sneak “insider”The next line contains more information. Most of this story is spent relitigating Williams’ embarrassing 2015 suspension for lying about his time in Iraq. He lost his job as NBC News’ lead anchor but has stuck around MSNBC for years. He is the very title of this article. “Lyin’ Brian” should tip you off that this isn’t exactly a trustworthy source.

It’s possible that Williams asked for a raise, but Gossip CopHe doubts it. He doesn’t have any leverage at 11 p.m., and has been incredibly good friends with NBC for the past 28 years. Williams said nothing when Williams announced his resignation. “There are many things I want to do, and I’ll pop up again somewhere.” He’s 62 and wants to spend more time with his family.

According to Page SixWilliams was already on a very sweet, reliable outlet. $7 Million per yearHe was not interested in making that kind of money and would never be able to negotiate. It’s highly unlikely he would barter for $30 million when $7 million was off the table.

Other Hit Pieces

This tabloid is full of contracts, so it’s important to take everything with a grain. The Inquire claimed Jimmy Kimmel would leave his talk show when his contract expires in 2022, but he’s not confirmed any such report. Drew Carey also reportedly would leave the network. The price is right, yet he’s still the host. Drew Barrymore hasn’t been replaced either, which this tabloid promised would happen in April.

All these fake TV stories are proof that these “insiders” cannot be trusted. This story is only a thinly veiled attack against Williams’ 2015 demise.


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