Tom Holland says Elizabeth Olsen, Marvel Costar, gave him amazing advice

  • GQ Marvel’s costar Elizabeth Olsen shared Tom Holland’s useful advice to him.
  • Holland acknowledged that he was a sexy person. “an impossible people pleaser,”This can lead to burnout.
  • “She gave me an amazing piece of advice: ‘No’ is a full sentence. ‘No’ is enough,”Holland spoke.

Tom Holland claims that Elizabeth Olsen, a Marvel costar, shared valuable advice with him.

“I actually learned this from Elizabeth Olsen,”Holland said that in GQ Men of the Year Issue Cover StoryReleased Wednesday. “She gave me an amazing piece of advice: ‘No’ is a full sentence. ‘No’ is enough.”

Holland confessed in an interview that he is a sex addict. “an impossible people pleaser”He is a person who is willing to do anything for others. He goes above and beyond in his professional life. This led to burnout, which was followed by an incident where he vomited after a press conference.

“I was under a lot of pressure to finish the day’s work,”He recalled. “That was the first time I was really like, ‘No, I’m done now. I’ve given you everything.'”

Holland has stood up for himself since then.

Esquire previously reported that the actor had told Esquire he didn’t want to wear a hairpiece for filming the movie. “Spider-Man: No Way Home,”This marks his sixth appearance in the MCU as Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

Holland stated in a GQ interview that he had told Jon Watts, while filming the same movie that a scene was being shot, that it was. “wrong,”This led to them revising the scene and making it better.

Tom Holland as Spider-Man in "Spider-Man: No Way Home."

Tom Holland in Spider-Man “Spider-Man: No Way Home.”

Sony Pictures Entertainment

Olsen is well-known for her role as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch on the MCU. The aforementioned advice was passed to her by Mary-Kate Olsen from her twin sister Ashley Olsen. She loved applying it. “all aspects of life.”

“The word ‘No’ specifically was something that I remember my sisters isolating and it becoming really empowering,”The actress told GlamourDuring an interview for their digital UK magazine. “And for women, it’s a really empowering word. People say ‘Just say no to drugs’, but truly, you can just say no whenever the hell you want! It’s really a powerful thing.”

“I always felt like I could say ‘No’ in any work situation – if someone was making me feel uncomfortable – and I just feel like that’s what we need,”She added. “We don’t have to follow suit if it doesn’t feel right. We need to be listening to our gut. There was a time where women were competing with one another and now we’re at a time where women are holding each other up.”


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