Tiktok User Also A Nursery School Worker Reveals The Real Meaning When They Call A Child A Monkey!


A nursery school worker took to TikTok to clarify some technical terms commonly used to describe a child’s behavior, especially when dealing with parents.

Like every other profession, working in a nursery school has its share of coded vocabularies, and technical terms understood and used by those in the field.

One TikTok user, Chelsy, who supposedly worked in a nursery school, is letting netizens in on some of those classified descriptors, including the seemingly derogatory term “monkey.”

She shared: “Nursery workers be like… They’ve been a bit of a monkey todayꟷ ‘THEY DIDN’T LISTEN TO A WORD I SAID AND DID WHATEVER THEY WANTED.'”

She also explained other polite means of describing a child’s behavior at the end of the day, common to nursery workers. In her perspective, when a nursery worker tells a parent their kid has been very vocal that day, what they meant was, “they screamed a lot.”

Another descriptor, “they’ve been very active today,” translated to, “they climbed on every piece of furniture.” Chelsy’s revelation, which has garnered over 57,000 views, sent many netizens on a laughing spree.

Also, the TikToker admitted that she laughed after creating the video. Taking to her caption, she wrote, “I made myself laugh making this btw #nurserynurse #nurserypractitioner #nurseryworker #nurseryteacher #nurseryworstress #earlyyears.”

Several TikTok users who also worked in nursery schools or had experiences dealing with toddlers could relate with Chelsy’s explanations, which they also found hilarious. One commenter wrote:

“OMG! The accuracy.”

Another commenter described Chelsy’s video as her life working with toddlers, while a third agreed, saying she could not “relate to anything more.”

Via comments, the poster admitted there were more nursery school terminologies up her sleeves that could sum up to thousands more of the TikTok clip.

The nursery worker’s TikTok page contains many insights into her professional life as a child handler. Some of her posts focus on criticisms she has received in her line of work from those who believed childcare was a “way out of doing a proper job.”

Replying to critics, the woman explained that her job entailed more than just cuddling babies all day, which requires more effort than people care to admit.

Chelsy calls it the most rewarding job, despite the difficulties involved in childcare. Parents have supported TikToker’s evaluation of nursery workers because they know how valuable their contributions to society can be.

Aside from giving working parents opportunities to take on their job knowing their kids were in good hands, childcare workers also help offer kids some of their first real-life lessons. This early education can be priceless, especially when it is shared with other toddlers.