TikTok has men filming themselves getting vasectomies


Roe v Wade was overturned on June 1st. This has led to an increase in vasectomies among males. They are now using TikTok as a way to share their experiences of having their snipped.

Vasectomy is a form of male birth control in which the supply of sperm and semen is cut off.

The Mayo Clinic It was noted that the tubes containing sperm are sealed and cut to prevent pregnancy. This is 99 percent effective.

Doctors reported an increase in male snipping procedures as women in certain parts of the US were no longer able safely have abortion procedures.

More than 522,300,000,000 videos include the hashtag #vasectomy — with many men filming themselves during the procedure.

They encouraged others to do the same and tried to dispel any misinformation.

Speak to HealthTexas-based comedian Keith Laue, TikToker Keith Laue, said that he was “surprised”a number of misinformations surrounding the procedure.

“I still have my testicles. I can still ejaculate. I don’t have low testosterone,”He spoke to the outlet.

Laue, 23 years old, stated in a TikTok that his procedure took just ten minutes. “10 to 15 minutes, so it wasn’t that bad”And that the entire process was seamless from beginning to finish. “super easy.”


Although this isn’t a typical post, i felt it was pertinent given today’s #vasectomy #roevwade news.

Laue also spoke. Health Vasectomy was the most economical option because he and his partner already had a child together and didn’t want another.

The 23-year-old man isn’t the only one who shares his TikTok journey.

Mike Pridgen (28 years old) stepped up to the podium confidently.

“I’ve had dental fillings with more hassle than this,”In the video, he spoke.

“That’s not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.”


I had a vasectomy. You can join me during the procedure. (It’s just my face! I promise!) #vasectomy #medical #education

TikTok users thanked the men who shared their stories.

“Thank u for making this !!”One person wrote.

“Dude, way to go! Thank you for sharing.It’s informative & more ppl should be open about how hard/easy some procedures [are],”Another added.

A third wrote: “I truly appreciate you being somewhat of a beacon of education on this bc I never see it, and it is a great option for men.”

Planned Parenthood states that the two types of vasectomies are: incision methodAnd the no-scalpel (no-cut) method.

Also, it is reported that no-cut techniques reduce the risk of infection and other health complications. It also takes less time to heal.

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