This Is Why Anjelica Huston Doesn’t Have Any Children


This Is Why Anjelica Huston Doesn't Have Any Children

Motherhood was never one of Anjelica Huston’s top priorities, but she did feel the urge. She was with Jack Nicholson the first time it happened, and the two agreed to try, she told Vulture. “[It] didn’t really work out,” she said. In hindsight, Huston believes their failure to conceive was a blessing in disguise. “The truth is, I could never imagine [being a mother]. I can imagine lots of things, but I could never imagine carrying a baby,” she told the magazine. But if she had gotten pregnant with Nicholson’s baby, she believes the child would have turned out to be “charming, probably,” she joked to The Guardian in 2014.

Huston contemplated becoming a mother again in her 40s, after she married Robert Graham, according to The Guardian. This time around, she was more serious about it and even underwent a series of IVF treatments to try to conceive. The procedure proved unsuccessful and, once again, Huston believes it was for the best. “There have been times when I wanted children and other times I’ve been grateful not to have them,” she told WENN in 2000,

In her view, managing a demanding career with the even more demanding responsibilities of childbearing was beyond her capabilities. “I don’t know how I would deal with kissing my children as I left for work. I know there are women who are able to do that. I don’t know if I could.”


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