The owner of a mansion hasn’t washed herself in 3 years & never cleaned her bedding

  • Three years have passed since a woman in Wales, who owns a large mansion home in Wales, has not bathed because her hot water supply stopped working.
  • The woman has lived in her home for 29 years and rarely cleans it. She refuses to wash her antiques with any products.
  • She has opened her house to the public, and hired two cleaners who helped her clean up.

A woman bought the Plas Teg estate in Wales, Wales in 1985 for just 70,000 pounds. With today’s currency exchange, it’s about 89,000 US dollar.

Plas Teg was built in 17th century and has large rooms for meeting. Cornelia Bayley has lived at the house for 29 years. She refuses to clean any furniture with any products and does not wash her sheets, carpets or other upholstery.

Cornelia Bayley outside Plas Teg. | Source:

Cornelia bayley at Plas Teg. | Source:

This woman couldn’t maintain the house

Bayley, an antiques dealer who retired, is determined to keep the mansion of the 17th Century in the exact same condition as when it was built. Even though it means extreme measures, she enjoys the experience of living in a different era.

Bayley has been unable to afford the upkeep of her large home. Bayley relies solely on her small pension for daily expenses, leaving no extra money.

An aerial view of Plas Teg. | Source:

Aerial view of Plas Teg. | Source:

Plas Teg hadn’t been cleaned in years. Bayley acknowledged that during the 29 years of living on the property she had only cleaned it once. It is full of molds and grease.

Bayley had not washed her hair in many years. She could not afford hot showers, so chose to refrain from bathing herself.

Bayley shrugged off the question and admitted that she has never laundered her old bedsheets or mattresses, both of which are likely to be over 100 years old.

One of Plas Teg's living rooms. | Source:

This is one of Plas Teg’s living rooms. | Source:

In the 17th century people did not shower very much. She simply imagined herself living in a different era, but the modern age. She replied, “I still do that”. Explained.

Bayley was desperate to earn more money. She opened Plas Teg for public tours and other events.

There was little interest in her offer. It was impossible to remove the dirt and filth that had been accumulating for 29 years.

Cornelia Bayley | Source:

Cornelia bayley | Source:

The House is Cleaner with OCD

Hayley and Dann were hired by Bayley to clean her apartment before opening it to the general public. Bayley was horrified by the cleaners’ living conditions. They can’t tolerate germs or dirt.

Cornelia, what was the last time you washed your bedding? Hayley You can ask for more information by clicking here.. Bayley shrugged off the fact that she hadn’t washed either her bedsheets or mattresses, both of which are likely to be over a century old.

Hayley, Dann, and Cornelia Bayley | Source:

Hayley Dann, Cornelia Bayley and Source:| Source:

Bayley, refusing to use any cleaners made the situation worse for them. Bayley told them to use a damp sponge to clean the house, as people would have done in the seventeenth century.

It doesn’t destroy the bacteria, then does it? Hayley You can ask for more information by clicking here. The homeowner. Bayley could care less. She couldn’t give a damn. When you are ready, please contact us.:

Bacteria may live on this site. “I could care less.”

Cornelia Bayley's Bedroom | Source:

Cornelia Bayley s Bedroom | Source:

Hayley and Dann had a panic attack at this stage. Bayley agreed to a compromise with the cleaners.

Bayley Was “happy?” The result of the cleaning frenzy was impressive. She was happy with the result of their cleaning spree, even though she did not agree to include modern touches such as candles and tables.

Cornelia Bayley | Source:

Cornelia Bayley Source:| Source:

The charm of old mansions, particularly when they are well maintained in the UK is undeniable. Beckhams own a huge farmhouse that they have converted to a gorgeous country home. You can read more about this by clicking here.


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