As the historical fiction series, ‘The Last Kingdom’, is nearing its end, fans are eager to know what the final season of the Viking saga will hold in store for them. In an attempt to bolster the hype from the fans, ‘The Last Kingdom’ show-runner, Jon East, has teased a major update on the production front for the final season.
Based on ‘The Saxon Stories’ novel by Bernard Cornwell, most of the events that occur within the series do not show any regard for the original historical timeline. So as seen in the previous seasons, there will most likely be a time-skip phenomenon that will bring the story a few years ahead, and let us take a look at that possibility.
The Last Kingdom Season 5: Filming Status
This would probably be the most exciting bit that would give fans some hope about ‘The Last Kingdom’ season 5. In a recent Twitter post, Jon East posted a picture of the clapboard that would be the last piece of the show with a caption confirming the same. It is official that ‘The Last Kingdom’ season 5 has completed filming and is in the final stage of the post-production process.
The Last Kingdom Season 5: Release Date
Despite the good news that ‘The Last Kingdom’ season 5 has wrapped up its filming, the production house hasn’t provided any official release dates yet. But based on a realistic timeline, ‘The Last Kingdom’ season 5 could have a release date somewhere in early 2022.
The Last Kingdom Season 5: Possible Time-Skip
It is a well-known fact for ‘The Last Kingdom’ fans that the new season will definitely begin with a time-skip bringing all the characters to a later point in their lives. There’s only speculation on that front, but a few reports have stated that the time jump for the new season should be no less than 10 years from the events of the fourth season.
The Last Kingdom Season 5: Books Covered
‘The Last Kingdom’ season 5 will cover the events from two ‘The Saxon Stories’ novels being, Warriors of the Storm and The Flame Bearer.