The Hidden Gem of Europe: Overrun by Tourism, Can This Brit-Favorite City Ever Regain Its Peace?


Is Florence the Next Victim of Overtourism? Experts Raise Concerns

Florence, the birthplace of Renaissance art including Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Leonardo da Vinci, is facing a crisis. According to local experts, the city is being “crushed” by overtourism, with tourist numbers soaring in recent years. In 2019 alone, Florence had over 15 million overnight tourist visits, and the numbers are only expected to increase post-pandemic. Additionally, the launch of new daily flights between London Heathrow and Florence has made the city an even more popular destination, further exacerbating the issue.

Experts Speak Out Against Overtourism in Florence

Amidst the increasing tourist numbers, local experts are warning that the sheer volume of tourists is putting an immense strain on the city, outnumbering the local population by a significant margin. Cecilie Hollberg, director of the Galleria dell’Accademia, expressed her concerns stating that she would like Florence to return to its citizens and not be “crushed by tourism.” She also pointed out the imbalance of souvenir shops compared to normal shops and warned that unless immediate measures are taken to reduce tourist numbers, it might be too late. Her statements have sparked a debate about the impact of tourism on the daily life of the city, with many expressing agreement with her concerns.

City Officials and Measures to Address Overtourism

The city’s authorities are also acknowledging the issue and have begun implementing measures to address overtourism. Florence’s mayor, Dario Nardella, highlighted the steady growth in tourist numbers, especially since the pandemic, which has put the city to the test. As a response, the city has increased its tourist tax, making it the most expensive in Italy. Moreover, there has been a ban on new short-term holiday lets in the city center, marking a deliberate effort to regulate the impact of tourism on the city.

Similar Issues Across Italy

However, Florence is not the only Italian city grappling with overtourism. Venice has long faced similar challenges, with new rules being introduced to limit the number of day trippers visiting the city center. Furthermore, large cruise ships have been banned from docking in the city, as part of the ongoing efforts to manage overtourism. Similarly, the Amalfi Coast has implemented strict rules, restricting tourist visits based on license plate numbers, in an attempt to distribute and manage the flow of tourists.

Combatting Overtourism for a Sustainable Future

While Florence and other Italian cities are taking steps to address overtourism, the issues at hand require sustainable, long-term solutions. With the current trajectory of tourism numbers, it is essential to strike a balance between welcoming tourists and preserving the authentic essence of these historic cities. By recognizing and proactively addressing the problems associated with overtourism, cities like Florence can pave the way for sustainable tourism practices, ensuring a positive and lasting experience for both visitors and locals alike.


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