The emergence of a fake Mr Bean sparked a rivalry between Zimbabwean Pakistani.


There are plenty of rivalries being played out at this year’s T20 World Cup, as the biggest cricketing sides go head to head.

But while people might be glued to India vs Pakistan or England vs India, there’s a surprising figure causing drama away from the pitch.

This is the figure. Mr Bean.

Yep, there’s tension brewing between Pakistan and Zimbabwe fans online over a fake version of the comedy character.

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Confused? Confused?

A Zimbabwe fan replied to the post by saying they’ll ‘never forgive’ Pakistan for sending a “fake” Mr Bean to Zimbabwe.

“As Zimbabweans we wont forgive you…you once gave us that Fraud Pak Bean instead of Mr Bean Rowan ..we will settle the matter tommorow just pray the rains will save you…#ZIMVSPAK [sic],” he wrote.

After others asked for information, the fan replied by posting photos of Asif Muhammad, a Pakistani male, who posted them to their Facebook page. reportedly2016: Zimbabwean tourists.

The man bears more than a passing resemblance to Rowan Atkinson’s Mr Bean, and the posts show Mr Muhammad heading to comedy night and even perform for a crowd with what appears to be a police escort. The clip shows Muhammed greeting people without realizing it.

Safe to say, he’s become the surprise star of the tournament, and added an extra layer of intrigue to the fixture.

India narrowly beat Pakistan in the best match of the tournament on Sunday (October 23rd). They’ll be trying to make amends against Zimbabwe.

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