The 13 Best Horror Movies in 1980


The 1980s were a decade that saw horror at its best, with classics like “The Shining,” “The Fly,”Two “Evil Dead” movies. Filmmakers Wes Craven (not computer-generated effects), Sam Raimi, Sam Raimi, and David Cronenberg made some of the most iconic movies.

Come back to the Overlook Hotel, Slaughtered Lamb pub and Elm Street. If you dare.

The Shining (1980).

"The Shining" (1980)
“The Shining” (Warner Brothers)

Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) goes mad after being hired as a winter caretaker at a remote mountain resort in Stanley Kubrick’s eerily masterful adaptation of Stephen King’s classic horror novel.

The Changeling (1980).

"The Changeling" (1980)
“The Changeling” (Entertainment One)

Peter Medak’s underrated film about a widower (George C. Scott) who discovers the historic house he’s renting is already inhabited by a vengeful spirit is more subtle and psychological than most of the films on this list, but it’s still scary as hell.

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An American Werewolf in London (1981).

The 13 Best Horror Movies in 1980

Despite being told to stay off the Yorkshire moors, American backpackers David (James Naughton) and Jack (Griffin Dunne) lose their way on a moonlit night and are attacked by… well, the superstitious locals won’t say, but Jack is dead and David is not quite himself when he wakes up in a London hospital. John Landis’ blend of humor and horror can be a bit jarring (like having “Blue Moon” abruptly blast over the end credits), but we wouldn’t change a thing. Particularly lines like “A naked American man stole my balloons.”

The Thing (1982).

The Thing (1982)
“The Thing” (Universal Pictures)

John Carpenter’s much-copied movie about a crew of research scientists who realize they’re trapped with a grotesque shape-shifting alien in the Antarctic is a master class in ratcheting up fear and paranoia. The film is a masterclass in creating fear and paranoia. Throw in Jed the wolfdog and Kurt Russell wielding a flame thrower and you’ve got the perfect horror movie.

Poltergeist (1982)

The 13 Best Horror Movies in 1980

Tobe Hooper, Steven Spielberg, and all of you, for making us afraid not only about our TV but also of trees, clowns and suburban developments (and the developers). Skip the recent remake: Nothing can match this ’80s classic.

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The Dead Zone (1983).

"The Dead Zone" (1983)
“The Dead Zone” (Paramount Pictures)

David Cronenberg moved beyond his body horror to bring one of the most memorable Stephen King adaptations to the screen. “The Dead Zone.”Johnny (Christopher Walken), awakens after a long coma and is now equipped with psychic abilities that allow him to be right at the center of any disaster, past or present. He can help other people but not himself so he leaves public life. Until he realizes he’s the only one who can stop a power-mad presidential candidate.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

"Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984)
“Nightmare on Elm Street” (New Line)

Freddy Kreuger (horror icon Robert Englund) stalks and slays teenagers in their dreams in Wes Craven’s genre classic that launched an ever-growing franchise. There have been numerous sequels and reboots. One hilarious example is Freddy Kreuger. “The Simpsons”We still love the original.

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Gremlins (1984).

"Gremlins" (1984)
“Gremlins” (Warner Bros.)

Gizmo makes the best Christmas gifts, until Billy (Zach Galligan), forgets to respect three important rules when taking care his Mogwai. Whoops! The blender scene in Joe Dante’s PG-rated furry free-for-all (plus all the heart-ripping in “Temple of Doom”) was a bit much for ’80s parents, who demanded a new PG-13 rating.

Fright Night (1985).

"Fright Night" (1985)
“Fright Night”(20th Century Fox).

What if your new neighbor next door was a vampire? Peter Vincent (Roddy MacDowall), an old horror star who battled vampires in movies, was the only person you could call for help. This casting is perfect, with Chris Sarandon playing Jerry Dandridge, the most unromantically named vampire of all. We also love the 2011 remake with David Tennant as Vincent (who’s now a cheesy Vegas magician) and Colin Farrell as Jerry.

Aliens (1986)

"Aliens" (1986)
“Aliens”(20th Century Fox

Yes, James Cameron’s amped-up sequel to Ridley Scott’s terrifying 1979 original is one of the best action movies of the ’80s, but it’ll also have you cowering in a corner yelling, “Game over, man. Game over!”

The Fly (1986).

The Fly (1986)
The Fly (20th Century Fox).

Body Horror King Cronenberg, the body horror king, goes all out in this stunning remake of 1950s B-movie. Watch as Seth Brundle, a mad scientist (Jeff Goldblum), becomes the creepy and crumbling acid-spewing Seth Brundle “Brundlefly.”

Evil Dead II (1987)

"Evil Dead 2" (1987)
“Evil Dead II” (Raimi Productions)

“Evil Dead II”It is basically a remake the first “Evil Dead” movie, but who’s complaining? Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell have even more fun the second time around with flying eyeballs, severed hands crawling, and, of course, Ash’s groovy chainsaw.

The Lost Boys (1987).

"The Lost Boys" (1987)
“The Lost Boys” (Warner Bros.)

“Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It’s fun to be a vampire,” was the tagline and damn if Kiefer Sutherland and crew didn’t bring it all to beautiful, bloody life in Joel Schumacher’s iconic horror comedy.

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