Taylor Swift Exposes Her Biggest Insecurities In Anti-Hero Music Video


Taylor Swift Exposes Her Biggest Insecurities In Anti-Hero Music Video

With lyrics such as “my depression works the graveyard shift,”“Anti-Hero” isn’t your average brooding-pop star production — and neither is its music video. Taylor Swift directed and wrote the scriptThe video, which includes the morbid funeral sketch, is full of nightmarish surrealism. Swift starts by pondering over a plate containing two eggs, bacon and a piece each of broccoli. “ghosts” begin haunting her. Swift is more scared than anyone else. As the chorus rings in, “It’s me / Hi / I’m the problem, it’s me,”per GeniusWhen she finds a Swift dressed to party, she opens her front door. From convincing OG-Swift at midnight to taking back-to-back shots, to convincing him that “everyone will betray you”This Party-Swift, which Swift looks glammed-up scribbles on chalkboard, is a There is no way to know..

“Anti-Hero”Swift’s self-loathing only gets deeper. As she bemoans insecurities about her 5’11” frame, singing, “Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby / And I’m a monster on the hill / Too big to hang out,”A third, gigantic-sized Swift steps through a dining room to join a social occasion, but she’s not wanted.

The music video’s true shocker is the ending. “Black Swan”-esque scene in which OG Swiftt steps on a scale for it to read “FAT.”Party-Swift watches from the back, taking everything in with an unsettling smile. Swift recently shared her past of disordered food eating, making this scene undoubtedly her most honest in music videography.

There are many resources available to help you if you have an eating disorder. Visit the National Eating Disorders Association websiteYou can also call NEDA’s live helpline at 1-800-931-2237. Text NEDA to 741-741 for 24/7 Crisis Support.


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