Shocking Revelation: Bachelor Joey Graziadei Sparks Fan Concern with Yellow Eyes – Must See!


Does Joey Graziadei really have yellow eyes?

If you watch Joey carefully on the show, or even just look at pictures of him, you may notice that he appears to have a pretty distinct yellow color in his irises. Fans have taken note of this incredibly unusual color, and many have speculated about what could be causing, including a very popular theory that Joey is jaundiced, which often causes yellowing of the eyes and skin.

In a recent interview with Us Weekly, Joey addressed the speculation around his eyes without offering much detail on what exactly was causing it.

“The eyes thing, I actually am probably going to post a video a little bit more about that later on and I can give some more insight,” Joey told Us. “There is something behind that and I’ll use the right space to be able to talk through that.”

Is Joey the best Bachelor ever?

Thanks to his emotional sensitivity, and the fact that many fans of the show find him genuinely dreamy, many are wondering whether Joey may in fact be the best Bachelor in the show’s history.

Of course, there’s still plenty of time for things to take a wrong turn before the season is over.

In the meantime, though, fans are delighting in the fact that a man is capable can be both attractive and relatively attuned to what the people around him are telling him about what they need. It’s an unusual combination, even on a show that’s meant to be as romantic as The Bachelor, but one that many are loving.

Now, fans will just have to sit back and wait to see how Joey’s season wraps up. And, of course, they’ll also have to keep a close eye on his Instagram to see if he ever provides more context as to what’s going on with his eyes.


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