Shocking Footage: Hezbollah Supporter Suggests Using Baby as Human Bomb for Israel Attack


Disturbing Footage Shows Hezbollah Supporter Offering to Make Baby Human Bomb

The disturbing clip captures a Hezbollah terrorist supporter offering to put explosives on a baby and send him to Israel as a human bomb. The disgraceful individual, believed to be the boy’s father, expressed his willingness to “sacrifice” the child if Hezbollah’s secretary-general, Hassan Nasrallah, requested it for a mission in Tel Aviv.

Supporter Willing to Sacrifice Baby as Human Bomb

The grotesque footage shows the man picking up the baby from what appears to be a box on the floor and displaying him to the camera. He seems to find amusement in dehumanizing his newborn son, while the person filming also engages in the despicable behavior. The translated video reveals the Hezbollah loyalist saying, “This one! Do you see it? Do not think that this one is for me.

Online Outrage Erupts Over the Disturbing Video

The shocking video sparked outrage among online viewers, with many expressing disbelief and labeling the man as a “beast” and “absolute evil.” Comments ranged from calling the act sick child abuse to branding the supporter a monster with no regard for human life.

Hezbollah’s Escalating Role in the Middle East Conflict

Hezbollah’s ties to Israel’s enemies, Hamas, and Iran, continue to escalate tensions in the Middle East. The Iran-backed Lebanese terror group collaborates closely with Hamas, prompting Israel to take action against both militant organizations. Recent events include Israel eliminating top Hezbollah commanders and advancing towards Hamas forces in Gaza.

Israeli Response to Hamas and Hezbollah Threats

Israel has conducted precision airstrikes targeting Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon, dealing significant blows to the terror group. In the ongoing conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Israel has deployed military forces to confront the remaining militant strongholds and ensure the safety of its citizens.

As the situation intensifies, Israel remains prepared to defend itself against threats from Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, and other hostile entities in the region.


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