Shiloh Jolie Pittt Has Just Decided to Revert To Her Old Style on The Red Carpet


Shiloh Jolie Pittt Has Just Decided to Revert To Her Old Style on The Red Carpet

Shiloh Jolie Pittt has been a regular sight on the red-carpet, as she often goes along with Angelina Jolie for events like the one on November 18. Pax Thien Jolie Pittt, one of Angelina’s boys, attended the premiere of Shiloh with her mom. “Paper & Glue,”A documentary by JR, a French photographer per theDaily Mail. The trio was photographed on the red carpet together with the artist. Many people noticed that they were wearing much more casual outfits than the ones they had worn at previous events. Shiloh, however, seemed to be back to her old style.

Wearing a black hoodie with accented holes on the sleeves and loose-fitting, ripped jeans, Shiloh looked both fabulous and comfortable — and fabulously comfortable — in light blue (or grey?) Converse All-Stars. She also wore minimal makeup, if any, and had her hair pulled back. Of course, Shiloh can switch between looks whenever she likes — and it appears that night she wanted to keep it casual!

Although plenty of people have had opinions — not they’re warranted or even necessary — about Shiloh’s fashion choices over the years, oneTwitteruser noted something sweet about the pictures of Shiloh and her sibs. They wrote: “The kids [look] happy…”It’s the most important thing when it comes to how they appear!


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