Serial Sunglass Thief Goes Viral After Worker Reveals His Pink Schoolgirl Bag On Reddit


A recent video went viral on Reddit not because it was about a robbery theft for sunglasses, but more about the way the whole event took place. Let’s just say, it was more hilarious than devastating to watch a robbery take place.

An employee from the store where the robbery took place posted a video on Reddit showcasing to the whole world the extent a person would go just to rob a pair of sunglasses. But even the worker must have not anticipated the response his video would receive, especially after witnessing the comment section go berserk.

The video begins with a shady-looking person wearing an olive green cap sneaking between two glass showcases like a ninja. He then turns around to realize that he is being filmed by the employee. The best part is when the sudden realization hits him and he starts to dodge thin air as if it would hide him from the cameras.

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Probably on some form of magic elixir, the robber starts to rush as he knows his time is up and starts to throw random sunglasses into his bag.

Now, this is where the real entertainment comes. Infamously known as the ‘serial sunglass thief’ on the Reddit comment section, he soon became famed for his unconventional choice of fashion while attempting a robbery.

One of them even started poking jokes at the pink bag that he used for the robbery, which was exactly as the comment says, “Did he steal a little girls backpack too?”. The best came after as another commenter replied, “And her pants?” hinting at how low his pants were revealing a major portion of his underwear.

Some even gave professional advice on how to tackle the situation. Like for example, one commenter suggested that the best way would be to pull down the robber’s pants as it would definitely distract him and also bound his legs together. Ingenious indeed!

The worker even revealed that it was against policy to involve in any robbery prevention and that they were supposed to report the incident and hand the issue over to relevant officers. So if you ever face a robbery where the smuggler is wearing low waist pants, you can either whip out your camera or always go for the pants!


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