Serena Williams Roasts Kevin Durant In New Video (And There’s Cooking Spray Involved)


Serena Williams Roasts Kevin Durant In New Video (And There’s Cooking Spray Involved)

Athletes in the sports community are connected by their competitive spirit, mutual respect, and common goals. There have been many occasions when the most prominent names in sports have shown their love to one another. Of course, in the midst of that admiration, there’s also room for some jokes, which can range from chuckle-worthy to downright hilarious. NBA superstar Kevin DurantHe has been the victim of many in his time. The most recent was about his ashy ankles. His fans took great joy in laughing at him on social media. even Serena WilliamsAn A+ gag about cooking spray has been joined by the comedian.

Slam Online recently posted a shot of the Brooklyn Net’s shoes and, while the kicks were smooth, commentators believed an exposed part of his ankle looked rough. The part of the NBA champion’s leg did seem to be particularly dry, and the photo has since gone viral. Check out the basketball publication’s initial post down below:

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I mean, I’d never want to pile on and join in the insults (especially when they’re aimed at someone from my home state). But even I can’t ignore the fact that lotion would definitely do him some good in this case. Serena Williams, however, was funny and tried to avoid the exact same kind of ash. She turned to social media (via OvertimeShe posted a video showing her using cooking spray on her legs. Although the idea is amusing enough, this post will give you a good laugh.

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It’s a pretty savage joke but, after seeing that photo of Kevin Durant’s ankle, I’d say just about anyone would be rushing to grab lotion… or in this case cooking spray. This is a great jab. This is a great example of branding. The star tennis player as well, as she’s proven her sharp wit on social media and During press conferences.

The answer is obvious. Former Oklahoma City Thunder phenom is more than aware of the Internet’s jokes and couldn’t help but share his own thoughts. The player has never been shy about sharing his opinions and he shared some very direct thoughts. You can see his tweet below.

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The post received a lot of response from fans. Some continued to laugh at him, while others took offense at his words. One user replied by saying: “That is a classy post! Remember, kids that look up to you read this!”The small step forward Clapped backCharles Barkley once famously used the phrase, “I am not a role model”.

One could argue that Kevin Durant accepts criticism as well. But let’s be honest, he’s been in situations that were even more embarrassing. He had a time when he was unable to speak. Inadvertently hit an elderly ladyAfter all, you can make a pass while doing so. This ankle situation will eventually pass, but for now Serena Williams can still claim a win in the jokes column.


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