Scientists head to Arctic to check citizens’ count of walruses from space


Scientists will be visiting the Arctic to verify the results of a citizen science survey that counts walruses in space.

The British Antarctic Survey and WWF-UK will collaborate with the Norwegian Polar Institute to study the walrus population on Svalbard in Norway. This is to confirm data from satellite images that show the marine mammal count.

It is part of the Walrus From Space project, which was launched in October 2021. Members of the public were invited to participate in a Walrus Census, where they would be detected in thousands of satellite images.

The Arctic people consider Walrus to be an emblematic species with great cultural importance.

Rod Downie, WWF

The team hopes to find out more about climate change’s impact on animals. Artic home is heating three times faster that the global average and about 13% of summer sea-ice is disappearing every decade.

Satellites have captured high-resolution images of walruses congregating on more than 25,000 square kilometres of Arctic coastline – an area larger than Wales.

Over 11,000 people have reviewed over half a million images. They detected and counted walruses in order to provide scientists with crucial data about their population.

The team will now travel by boat to walrus haulouts, areas where they rest on land, and to count them visually using drones.

The results of their research will be compared with those derived from satellite images.

A herd of walruses on an ice floe, Svalbard, Norway (Richard Barrett / WWF-UK/PA)A group of walruses gathered on an ice floe in Svalbard (Norway) (Richard Barrett/WWF-UK/PA).

Hannah Cubaynes, British Antarctic Survey, stated: “Assessing walrus populations across their whole distribution range by boats or plane is very difficult as they live in extremely remote areas.

“Satellite images can solve this problem as they can survey huge tracts of coastline to assess where walrus are and help us count the ones that we find.

“If the data we collect from fieldwork matches the data collected from satellite, then we’ll know this is a very effective way forward to benefit walrus conservation efforts.”

Rod Downie, chief polar adviser at WWF, said: “Walrus are an iconic species of great cultural significance to the people of the Arctic, but despite being big powerful animals, they are increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change which is melting their icy home.

“It’s easy to feel powerless in the face of the climate and nature emergency. This project enables individuals to take action to understand a species threatened by the climate crisis, and to help to safeguard their future. ”

Walruses depend on sea ice to rest and give birth. However, as sea ice shrinks, they are forced to move onto land. Beaches can become too crowded and there is a risk of trampling and stampedes.

Experts say that they may need to travel further to find food. They can also be affected by increased shipping and development, as the melting Arctic opens up.

Researchers warn that the animals are facing the full reality of the climate crisis while current population trends are not well understood – something the project hopes to address.


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