Samsung’s Summer Warning: Avoid Permanent Battery Damage and Sudden Cell Shutdowns!


How to Prevent Your SAMSUNG Phone From Overheating in Summer Heat

Samsung phone owners have been urged to take practical steps to stop their gadget from dying in the summer heat. Putting extra strain on your battery is risky and unwise, warned the electronics giant.

Tips From Samsung to Prevent Overheating

Samsung has released a range of tips to keep your phone going – no matter how harsh the heat. “While using your phone, it’s normal for it to become warm or increase in temperature,” Samsung’s website said. “This can typically happen if you are playing a graphically intense video game, video calling, or streaming, especially in hot weather.”

Move Your Phone Away From Direct Sunlight

The most obvious step to avoid overheating is to move your phone out of any direct sunlight. Excessive heat can cause your phone to shut off and permanently damage the battery.

Cool Down Your Phone

If your phone is already hot from being in the sun, move it to a shady spot and let it cool down. Removing the phone case can also help it cool faster. Check the gadget’s power mode and switch to a power-saving mode if it’s feeling warm. Closing all unused apps is another effective way to prevent overheating.

Samsung’s Charging Tips for Best Practices

To maximize your smartphone’s battery life, charge it properly. Lithium-ion batteries, which most smartphones use, last longer when charged regularly. Keeping the battery above a 50 percent charge is beneficial, as repeatedly draining it fully may shorten its lifespan. Avoid leaving the phone connected to the charger while using it after it’s fully charged, as it may reduce battery life.

Adjust Screen Brightness

Turning down the brightness can help protect battery life. While a brighter screen may be easier to see in the sun, it uses more power and increases the phone’s temperature. Disable adaptive brightness in the display settings to prevent automatic brightness adjustments.

Software Updates and Airplane Mode

Enabling airplane mode helps cool down a phone, and installing app and software updates ensures optimal performance. Remove your phone from the car cradle while driving, as using it in the holder, especially when charging in the sun, can lead to overheating. By following these tips, you can ensure your Samsung phone remains cool and functional during hot summer days.


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