“Sabrina Carpenter Throws Shade at Leonardo DiCaprio with ‘Shady’ Birthday Cake at Star-Studded 25th Bash” – Canva, MTV, Birthday, Celebrity, Shade, Sabrina Carpenter, Leonardo DiCaprio


Hottest Pop Star Sabrina Carpenter Roasts Leonardo DiCaprio with Savage Birthday Cake

Sabrina Carpenter, the rising star in the pop music industry, celebrated her 25th birthday in style by trolling actor Leonardo DiCaprio with a hilarious birthday cake. The talented Espresso singer took a playful dig at Leo’s well-known preference for dating women under the age of 25 with her unique cake creation.

Sabrina Carpenter’s Epic Birthday Celebration

In a recent Instagram post, Sabrina shared a series of photos from her birthday party, showcasing a glamorous event filled with friends, fun, and laughter. The photos captured the essence of a memorable birthday bash in New York City, where Sabrina was joined by her close friends and boyfriend, Barry Keoghan.

The Iconic Meme Cake

The highlight of the celebration was undoubtedly Sabrina’s customized birthday cake, which featured a cheeky Leo meme. The cake included a 2016 selfie of the Oscar winner with the caption, “Nooo don’t turn 25 you’re so sexy aha,” referencing Leo’s infamous dating history.

Fans React to Sabrina’s Cheeky Gesture

Unsurprisingly, fans and celebrities alike were quick to react to Sabrina’s humorous cake choice. Comments flooded in, with many applauding Sabrina for her playful spirit and witty sense of humor. Some fans jokingly expressed sympathy for Leonardo, while others praised Sabrina for her bold and unconventional birthday tribute.

Sabrina’s Buzzworthy Schedule

In the midst of her birthday celebrations, Sabrina has been keeping busy with a packed schedule of performances and appearances. From Coachella to the Met Gala, and even supporting Taylor Swift on tour, Sabrina has been making waves in the entertainment industry.

Sabrina’s Controversial Collaboration

Recently, Sabrina sparked intrigue and speculation after announcing a collaboration with Taylor Swift’s ex-boyfriend, Jake Gyllenhaal. The unexpected partnership for Saturday Night Live’s Season 49 raised eyebrows and generated buzz among fans and critics alike.

Fans React to Sabrina’s Unlikely Pairing

The news of Sabrina’s collaboration with Jake Gyllenhaal on SNL garnered mixed reactions from fans, with many expressing surprise and curiosity about the unusual pairing. Some fans praised the bold move, while others expressed skepticism and raised questions about the dynamic between the two artists.

In conclusion, Sabrina Carpenter continues to captivate audiences with her talent, charisma, and penchant for making headlines. From trolling Leo DiCaprio with a meme cake to igniting speculation with her SNL collaboration, Sabrina’s star power shows no signs of dimming anytime soon. Keep an eye on this blonde, booked, and busy pop sensation as she continues to make waves in the music industry and beyond.


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