Rumored Reason For Rhea Perlman’s Most Recent Split With Danny DeVito


Rhea Perlman and Danny DeVito have been separated for a long time. One report claims to know the reason why. Gossip Cop investigates.

‘Rhea Taxis Away From Drunk Danny!’

According to the National Enquirer, DeVito is desperate to win back Perlman. Perlman’s admitted that she holds a flame for the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia star, but an insider says she won’t take him back unless he quits drinking. The source reveals, “Rhea just got tired of waiting for Danny to give up the sauce… after a while, she gave up on him being anything more than a 77-year-old frat boy looking for the next party.”

DeVito has seemingly embarrassed himself with his habit for intoxication, they explain, and Perlman would rather keep him at a distance for when his drinking gets out of hand. The source concludes, “Danny’s talking very seriously about making one last push to make things work with Rhea. She may adore him, but she’d still need a lot of persuading.”

Are Danny DeVito And Rhea Perlman Together?

To back up its story about Danny DeVito’s drinking problem, this outlet dug up photos of him sipping alcohol. Neither photo is new, nor do they prove anything. The outlet tries to cite an intoxicated appearance on The View, but it doesn’t say that it happened in 2006.

Perlman and DeVito didn’t call things off until 2012, and they reconciled in 2013. They reportedly split again in 2017, but at no point did Perlman ever say it was due to his dependency on alcohol. This whole story tries to paint a picture of these two while ignoring everything they’ve actually said.

Earlier this month, she had flowery words about DeVito for People: “I’m really, really glad that Danny and I were able to navigate some rough days to be able to have this different kind of relationship.” She also said she still sees DeVito “often, and we’re still a family.”

Who’s going to know more about Perlman’s relationship: herself or some so-called sources? She and DeVito sound like they’re in an excellent. With this in mind, it’s rather unlikely to think DeVito is secretly pining with all his might.

Too Many Torches

The Enquirer relies on tropes to build its stories and simply plugs in names. Here, it’s DeVito holding a torch for Perlman. Last year, it was Reba McEntire holding a torch for Kenny Rogers. Katie Holmes supposedly help one for her last ex-boyfriend, and Billy Joel was apparently worrying his wife with his feelings for an ex. If you see this phrase in the pages of this rag, then that’s your cue to move along.


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