Royal Commentator Claims Harry, Meghan Better Choice For Caribbean Tour Than Kate, William


Prince William and Kate Middleton recently finished up a tour of the Caribbean, and it was not the overwhelming success that many thought it would be. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s tour was followed by protestors and unhappy heads of state, but would things have been different if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had been the ones to make the visit in their place?

Would Harry And Meghan Have Had More Success In The Caribbean?

Central Recorder columnist Jane Moore seems to think so. In a new piece for the newspaper, Moore writes that the outcome would have been much different if Harry and Meghan had toured the Caribbean nations instead of William and Middleton.

“As shown during Harry and Meghan’s successful, ten-day visit to South Africa in September 2019,” Moore wrote. “The couple redefined royal tours by eschewing the pomp and ceremony of old and adopting a more modern outlook, perhaps summed up by Meghan hopping on to a tree stump to tell women in the Nyanga township: ‘May I just say that while I am here with my husband as a member of the Royal Family, I want you to know that for me, I am here as a mother, as a wife, as a woman, as a woman of color and as your sister.’”

The columnist continued, “The crowd went wild and one can only assume that had she and Harry adopted the same approach on a tour to Jamaica, the reaction may well have been the same.”

Moore does admit that, while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex might have smoothed relations between the royals and the public, they “probably” wouldn’t have been able to do anything about the Caribbean nations cutting ties with the British monarchy.

“Barbados replaced the Queen as head of state last year and there is little doubt that now Jamaica will follow suit,” Moore explained. “Would Harry and Meghan’s wish of representing the Queen around the Commonwealth have changed that? Probably not, but maybe their fresher approach might have persuaded Jamaica to press pause on its public declaration until after Her Majesty’s death? Hindsight is a wonderful thing and we’ll never know for sure.”

The Couple’s Success Seems Unlikely

While Harry and Meghan are undeniably popular, it seems unlikely that the royal couple’s visit would have been much smoother than William and Middleton’s. Protestors were demanding an apology and reparations for Britain’s history of slavery and colonization in the Caribbean. Even though Harry has broken from the royal family, he’s still a prince, and protestors would most likely level the same demands at him.

It’s a moot point, though, seeing as how the Duke and Duchess of Sussex no longer make royal visits to other countries or represent the royal family. The couple seems happy enough to stay in California, while William and Middleton are enthusiastically performing their royal duties, even when it gets uncomfortable.

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