Rishi Sunak’s New Rail Strike Laws: Train Firms Face Fines for Non-Enforcement


New Laws Call for Minimum Services During Train Strikes- But Not a Single Company is Enforcing Them

The recent wave of rail chaos set to engulf Britain has reignited the debate on the implementation of new laws requiring a minimum of 40 per cent of train services to operate during strikes. PM Rishi Sunak has championed these tough measures, yet not a single train company is enforcing them, claiming the laws are simply too confusing.

As taxpayers’ money funded the introduction of these laws and MPs extensively debated them, the public is now frustrated that they are not being applied. This lack of enforcement will likely lead to more pointless disruptions, requiring workers to shell out additional funds just to get to work. Amidst the chaos, questions arise regarding Transport Secretary Mark Harper’s response to the current situation.

Operators have been given the leeway to sidestep these laws, citing complexity and lack of enforcement pressures. This raises the pressing need for harsh penalties to be imposed on operators enabling militant unions to disrupt the public transport system while disregarding the Parliamentary will.

Questions Surrounding Nottingham Killer Valdo Calocane’s Sentencing

The Attorney General is rightfully delving into the sentencing of the Nottingham killer Valdo Calocane. Failures by two police forces to apprehend him before his deadly spree have attracted legal scrutiny. Equally, the Crown Prosecution Service’s stance on why he wasn’t brought to trial demands urgent clarification.

Despite facing manslaughter charges related to three stabbings, Calocane was charged with attempted murder when he drove his van at three others. The distinction in charges raises alarming questions around the lack of intent and competence in both the police and prosecutions’ handling of the case. Victims’ families must receive timely explanations from Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Parkinson.

The EU vs. The UK on Gendered Phrases

The EU’s 61-page guide targeting “gendered phrases” reflects their campaign to eliminate phrases like Star Trek’s “to boldly go where no man has gone before”. While previously dismissed as Brussels bureaucracy, similar “woke” language policing is prevalent in Britain. The EU’s own struggle to keep pace exemplifies the influence of these language guidelines.

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