Recycled laptop batteries power home in Australia for a couple


An Australian couple has discovered a way to power their home that is more environmentally-friendly.

Syd and Camille Goodman, who live outside Canberra, say that they wanted to help the environment following the devastating bushfire season in 2020. They took a hard look at their carbon footprint.

They now have a home powered by salvaged laptop battery.

“I ended up getting a whole lot of salvaged laptop batteries, by the kilo, disassembling them all and testing all the batteries,”Syd stated.

“We started trying to figure out how much carbon could we emit, so we could have a budget. And the more we looked into it the more we realized there is no proper amount because we’re going to overshoot,” Camille added. “We have to shoot for zero, as close to zero as possible.”

The idea of repurposing batteries was not the only one. Their carbon emissions were audited and they discovered that their driving habits accounted for the majority of their spending. Syd discovered a solution in another repurposed item.

“I bought a 2019 Model 3 Performance Tesla off eBay actually. All the internals of this are going to go into the Land Rover. The screens, the air conditioning, the sound effects,”Syd stated.

The Goodmans don’t expect others to go to the same lengths to change their environmental impact, but they hope people will consider making small concessions that could add up to big changes for the planet.

“Do what you can. No one’s going to be perfect. I’m constantly trying to take another step. This will make your life better not worst,”Syd stated.


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