Raoul Moat shot a cop, and his brother says the ITV drama was a parody that ignored grieving families


THE twin of the cop shot by Raoul Moat says a TV drama about the twisted killer is a “parody”.

Darren Rathband, 55, also said the three-part show ignores victims’ families.

Victim PC David Rathband with twin brother Darren


David Rathband, victim PC and his twin brother DarrenMax Clifford
Moat tracked ex-girlfriend Samantha Stobbart and Chris Brown in 2010 after he was freed from jail


Moat found Samantha Stobbart, Chris Brown’s ex-girlfriend in 2010 when he had been released from prisonPress Association Credit

Moat shot his 42-year-old brother twice from close range. He then committed suicide.

Darren said: “This ITV drama should be a comedy — or at least a parody set with the Benny Hill theme music.

“The victims were never a priority. ITV have ignored the sentiment, and have paid the relatives lip service.”

The Hunt For Raoul Moat premieres today.

A look at Samantha Stobart, Raoul Moat's former girlfriend who he shot
Police officer blinded by Raoul Moat was haunted by killer in nightmares

Former police worker Darren, who now lives in Australia, said he was sent an email by the drama’s production company.

He added: “Once I responded, it was clear they were not interested in any input.”

After being released from prison in 2010, Moat (a 37-year-old bodybuilder/ex-bouncer) tracked down his ex-girlfriend Samantha Stobbart and her new boyfriend Chris Brown.

The man shot his gun through the window of a Gateshead building, killing Chris before injuring Sam.

Moat then called police to say he was “hunting” officers.

In just a few hours, David was shot in the patrol car of a traffic cop on Newcastle’s outskirts.

This father was blinded by horrific injuries.

In 2012, after his divorce from Kath, he tragically committed suicide at home.

After a seven-day hunt, Moat has been cornered at Rothbury in Northumberland.

As the police closed in, he shot himself.


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