Radio Free Europe Journalist Killed by Russian Shelling


A journalist working for U.S.-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty was killed in Kyiv by Russian airstrikes on a residential building where she lived, according to a statement from the broadcaster.

Vira Hyrych’s body was found in the rubble early Thursday. The building had been hit by shelling the night before, and Hyrych’s body was found by rescue workers the next day.

“We are deeply saddened by the death of our Ukrainian Service staffer Vira Hyrych in Kyiv overnight. We have lost a dear colleague who will be remembered for her professionalism and dedication to our mission,” RFE/RL president Jamie Fly said in a statement.

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“We are shocked and angered by the senseless nature of her death at home in a country and city she loved. Her memory will inspire our work in Ukraine and beyond for years to come,” he added.

RFE/RL said video and pictures from the scene of the attack showed heavy damage to the lower floors of the building and cars with blown-out windows.

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said that one body had been retrieved from the rubble and another 10 people had been injured in the shelling, but gave no further details.

Hyrych, who was in her early 50s, worked for RFE/RL since 2018. She had worked for a top Ukrainian TV station prior to that.


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