Putin’s Paranoia: Why He Now Wears Bulletproof Vests in Public – Assassination Fears Unveiled


Paranoid Putin Reportedly Wearing Bulletproof Vests for Public Appearances

A paranoid Vladimir Putin is reportedly donning bulletproof vests regularly for his public appearances amidst fears of assassination attempts related to his involvement in the war in Ukraine or potential threats from Islamic terrorists. Reports suggest that the Kremlin has ramped up security measures to an unprecedented level to protect the 71-year-old despot.

Kremlin’s Heightened Alert Over Ukraine Invasion and Recent Attacks

The Kremlin is currently on heightened alert due to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine and recent attacks on high-ranking politicians in Europe and Asia. According to The Moscow Times, the security surrounding President Vladimir Putin has been significantly increased by the country’s special services.

Putin’s Body Armour Recommendations by Security Services

The Presidential Security Service (SBP), a unit within the Federal Guard Service (FSO) responsible for protecting the president, has strongly recommended that Putin wears body armour at outdoor events. It has been reported that Putin has been complying with this recommendation since at least 2023.

Putin’s Bulletproof Vest at Victory Day Parade

During the annual Victory Day military parade on May 9, Putin was observed wearing body armour beneath his coat as a precautionary measure. The event, which takes place on Red Square, is heavily guarded with visible security personnel and snipers on rooftops.

Analysis of Putin’s Bulletproof Vest by Security Expert

Jade Miller, described as an independent British hostile environment and high-risk security consultant, analyzed footage of Putin at the Victory Day parade. She concluded that he was indeed wearing a bulletproof vest based on his rigid movements and the lack of natural creases in his attire.

Uncomfortable Signs of Body Armour

Miller pointed out that Putin appeared uncomfortable during the parade, adjusting his shoulders and coat in a manner consistent with wearing body armour. The weight and design of the vest could have caused discomfort and restricted movement.

Security Measures at High-Risk Events

Multiple security operatives were visible at the parade, especially during key moments like laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Some security personnel were equipped with portable body armour designed as briefcases, while others held nuclear briefcases with launch codes.

Putin’s Unique Approach to Security Concerns

Andrei Soldatov, a Russian secret service watchdog, highlighted Putin’s willingness to agree to increased security measures when his guards raise concerns. Unlike other leaders who may conflict with their security teams, Putin tends to comply with security demands.

Former Guard’s Insights on Putin’s Paranoia

A former guard of Putin revealed that the Russian leader lives in constant fear of assassination and has trust issues even with his own staff. Vitaly Brizhatiy shared details about how Putin’s security measures are shrouded in secrecy, and false information is deliberately disseminated to confuse potential threats.

Assassination Fears and Security Precautions

Putin’s deep-seated fears of assassination were evident during his rigged re-election campaign, where security personnel stood ready to protect him with an armoured shield. Even in the presence of “trusted” supporters, his security remained vigilant, reflecting his heightened paranoia.


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