Putin’s colonel ‘blown up by Ukrainian bomb drone while mowing his lawn’ INSIDE Russia


A RUSSIAN lieutenant colonel was killed after a drone seemingly successfully targeted him whilst he was mowing his lawn.

Alexei Chernykh died in Shchetinovka while doing yardwork near his rural home. He was only 1,000feet (300m) from the Russian-Ukrainian Border.

Chernykh, right, died during the drone attack on Russian soil


Chernykh (right) died after the drone strike on Russian territoryTwitter
Its the latest blow to Putin as the war rages in Ukraine


This is the latest strike against Putin during the war in UkraineCredit: AP

Chernykh of the Russian anti-corruption law enforcement was confirmed to be dead via Telegram yesterday.

Belgorod governor Vyacheslav gladkov blamed Ukraine for the strike. However, it was rumoured in Telegram that Chernykh could have used his home country as a base to smuggle goods.

According to Telegram Channel Baza (linked with Russian Intelligence), “Aleksey was killed after an Ukrainian drone dropped ammo on his Shchetinovka location.”

Alexei was on his day off at that time and cut the grass.

He had previously accused Ukraine of the “targeted strike” that he said initially killed a civilian.

A shocking video from early 2022 shows the moment when a drone dropped a bomb that destroyed a Russian Tank.

The footage is shocking and shows the destruction inflicted by a drone that costs around $10,000 on what appears to be an expensive tank worth millions.

These humiliating images are despite the fact that Putin’s battle tanks, which weigh 44.5 tonnes and have armor of 40mm thickness, were still used.

Top of the tank armour is thinner for the sake of maneuverability, which makes them vulnerable to air attacks.

Recent weeks have seen a rise in the number of people who are able to access the internet. Ukraine Has launched a brand new kamikaze drone The following are examples of how to use Putin is dealt another major blow by the demolition of high-rise buildings in Moscow.

Dramatic footage revealed the aftermath of a huge explosion that ripped through a skyscraper in Moscow while another attack in Belgorod left three people dead.

Belgorod Governor Gladkov stated on Telegram on two deaths after grenades dropped in a residential area. A third person died later, despite the efforts of medics.

He stated: “It’s impossible to comfort your loved ones with words.” My sincere condolences go out to the family members of those who were killed.

One of Putin’s Colonels was killed in an apparent suicide last year.

Colonel Vadim Boyko, 44, who had been involved in the mobilisation campaign, reportedly had “multiple bullet wounds” when discovered in his office.

Russian reporting initially said it was “suicide” – but no suicide note has been found.

In a series of mysterious deaths, more than eight close allies and intelligence agents to the dictator died.

Anatoly Gerashchenko, the former rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute died after reportedly falling down a series of flights of stairs.

Ivan Pechorin – Putin’s point man for developing Russia’s vast Arctic resources – reportedly fell off the side of a boat in waters close to Russky Island in mysterious circumstances.

The oil chief Ravil Maganov has died “after falling from a window of an hospital”.

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In June, Major-General Sergey Goryachev, 52, was struck and killed by a long-range British-supplied Storm Shadow missile in Zaporizhzhia region, according to Moscow war sources.

Rockets have been launched by Russia from the region


Russia has launched rockets from the areaCredit: AP
Apartment buildings in the Belgorod region have been damaged by drones in recent weeks


Drones have damaged apartment buildings in Belgorod in recent weeksCredit: Reuters
The Freedom of Russia Legion crossed the border into Belgorod in May of this year


Belgorod was the first place where Freedom of Russia Legion has crossed over into this country in May of 2018.Credit: Reuters


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