Prince William and Kate Middleton Are Currently Managing ‘Brutal” Life Changes


Prince William and Kate Middleton Are Currently Managing 'Brutal" Life Changes

It is a time for transition for the royal family with the new heir of the throne taking on greater responsibilities. According to a report from OK! MagazinePrince William and Kate Middleton deal with the same issue “brutal”As they assume the titles Prince and Princess of Wales, there is a lot to do. Jennie Bond, a royal commentator, said that they are now focusing on their new schedule and not neglecting their children.

“Catherine will just try to make it as normal as possible,”Bond stated. “After their great-granny’s passing, William and Catherine will try to move things on as quickly as possible and not dwell too much on the sadness of the last couple of months.” Prince William and Middleton share three children – 9-year-old Prince George, 7-year-old Princess Charlotte and 4-year-old Prince Louis. They have to help their children through the grief process and show them that they are capable of taking on new royal duties.

“It’s been a brutal [work] schedule for William and Catherine and they’ve got a very young family,”Bond stated. “I think the work-life balance must have been difficult these past few weeks and, let’s face it, it’s not going to get any easier with their new responsibilities.

Insiders expect the royal family to rely on Prince William and Middleton a lot, even by the usual standards of an heir. The monarchy is facing an unprecedented transition with its first new monarch of the information age. Still, they will reportedly have some time before taking on public engagements and more time in the spotlight, which means they can at least see their children through this difficult period.

Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Sept. 8, leaving the throne to her eldest son, who has since been crowned King Charles III. In turn, the title of Prince of Wales passed to King Charles’ eldest son, Prince William. According to the laws of succession, Prince William’s heir is his eldest child, Prince George. Until Prince George has children of his own, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis are next in the line of succession.

However, some British activists reportedly You want to see the monarchy removed before any of these successions can occur. After the death the queen, the monarchy abolishment movement received renewed interest. Critics questioned the purpose and value of the monarchy in 21st-century society. Middleton and Prince William are younger members of the crown. They will need to prove the value of their positions against this growing movement.


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