Prince Harry Opens Up About His Self Care Routine


Prince Harry Opens Up About His Self Care Routine

As a royal and a world-class athlete, Prince Harry and Serena Williams are the first people to know what it means to be burnt out. On Thursday, February 3, the two joined a BetterUp event and discussed how they “cultivate the power of Mental Fitness through a bold commitment to Inner Work.” They shared how they approach self-care, and for Prince Harry, it means allotting a quick “me time” where he lets go of worries and just focuses on himself.

“Okay, one of the kids has gone to school. The other one’s taking a nap. There’s a break in our program,” he said, per People. “It’s like, right, it’s either for workout, take the dog for a walk, get out in nature, maybe meditate.” He reiterated that if you make your wellness a priority, you’ll be better in other aspects of your life, whether at work, school, or personal relationships.

Prince Harry has long been an advocate of mental wellness. In 2020, he introduced a mental fitness tool called HeadFIT, designed for helping military personnel manage their mental health issues. He said that “If you want to be truly fit, strong and healthy, you need to train your mind and body as one.”


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